These terms and conditions apply to all reservations made to stay at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel, whether made via our website, email, or telephone. They contain important information about your stay, and we kindly ask you to read them carefully. If there is anything you would like to discuss regarding your reservation or these terms, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Information:

Individual Booking

By making a reservation with us here at Tisvildeleje Strandhotell, you accept our standard cancellation policy. To avoid a cancellation fee equivalent to one night’s stay per room, you must contact us by 15:00 local time, 5 days before your arrival date. This policy applies to the entire reserved stay and is applicable to early departures. A late cancellation will incur a fee equivalent to the first night’s accommodation unless otherwise stated. Reservations to be paid by a method other than the credit card registered in the guest’s name must be fully prepaid the day before the reserved arrival. Payment can be processed via credit card or bank transfer. Check-in time is at 15:00 local time. Check-out time is at 11:00 local time.

Our premises are smoke-free in all areas. Violation of this policy gives the property the right to charge the guest card with the additional value of the respective night’s accommodation. Please note that only guests listed on the reservation are allowed access to the room. If you wish to add names, please inform us in advance. Any unpaid charges at departure will be charged to the guaranteed credit card.


Your reservation is not complete until you receive a reservation number from us, after which a contract will be formed between you and us.

We require a valid credit card (debit cards are not accepted) to guarantee and confirm your reservation. If you have booked a ‘prepaid’ room, your card will be charged with the non-refundable room price when the reservation is confirmed. If you have made another type of reservation, your card will not be charged unless one of the events listed below occurs, such as cancelling your reservation after the allocated time.

Group Booking

All group bookings are subject to an extended cancellation policy, depending on the specific group size and reserved dates. An agreement will be made at the confirmation of the reservation. Check-in time is at 15:00 local time. Check-out time is at 11:00 local time.

Our premises are smoke-free in all areas. Violation of this policy gives the property the right to charge the guest card with the additional value of the respective night’s accommodation. A room list must be sent to our reservations team ( no later than 14 days before arrival. Accommodation, food and beverages, and other additional expenses must be settled according to the contractual agreement specific to the group. All charges not paid by guests at departure will be charged to the guaranteed credit card.


If you wish to change your reservation, please contact us. We will inform you if the change is possible and send you a confirmation email if the change is accepted.

We will do our best to avoid having to cancel your reservation, but where necessary, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation at any time. In such cases, we will refund the full amount, and we will not have any further liability to you regarding the cancellation.

If we cannot make the desired change or if the consequences of the change are unacceptable to you, you may choose to cancel your reservation. Your reservation confirmation email will state the terms of your reservation and the cancellation policy that applies to your reservation.

If we receive your cancellation request by 15:00 local time, 5 days before the arrival date, there will be no charge associated with your cancellation. Any cancellation requests we receive after 15:00 local time, 5 days before arrival, will incur a fee equivalent to one night’s stay in the room you had reserved. This cancellation fee will be charged to the card details you provided at the time of your reservation. This cancellation fee will also apply if you do not show up for your stay at Helenekilde Badehotel, and a prepaid reservation will incur the fee for the entire stay.

Please note that a cancellation is only confirmed upon receipt of a cancellation number. A cancellation must be confirmed in writing by sending an email to A verbal cancellation is not final.


Time: Unless otherwise agreed, check-in is allowed from 15:00, and we kindly ask that all guests leave the room by 11:00.

Security: For security and fraud prevention reasons, we will ask you to confirm your identity by presenting your passport, driving licence, or other form of photo ID at check-in.

Guests travelling from outside the EU: If you are travelling from outside the EU, we are required by law to ask for your passport and the place of your next destination at check-in. If you do not have your passport, we reserve the right not to honour your reservation. We will retain this information for 12 months, and we may pass it on to a police officer or other authority as required by law. We are required to collect this information for each person in your group over 16 years old, and we reserve the right to refuse entry to Tisvildeleje Strandhotel for anyone who cannot provide this information.

Guests under 18 years: Please note that all guests under 18 years must be accompanied by adults during their stay. We reserve the right to refuse entry to Tisvildeleje Strandhotel for anyone under 18 years.


The price for your stay (including VAT) will be the price indicated when you make your reservation via the website or as communicated to you if you make your reservation via telephone or email. Please check the price in your confirmation email. We will do our best to ensure that the price communicated to you is correct, but it is always possible that some of our room prices are incorrectly priced. We will confirm the price of your stay in our confirmation email, so please check it when you receive it and let us know if you notice any discrepancies. If there is an obvious discrepancy between our room prices and the price stated on our website or otherwise communicated to you, we reserve the right to charge our correct room prices or cancel your reservation.

A credit card pre-authorisation will be made at check-in. All expenses incurred during your stay, such as food and beverages and any room charges you have not paid for in advance, must be settled at check-out, where you will have the option to provide an alternative payment method if you wish. Please let us know before you check out if you notice any discrepancies in the charges associated with your room.

Business cards issued within or outside the EU/EEA, and private cards issued outside the EU/EEA, will be charged a fee, which you can see on your receipt. The fee rate varies depending on the card type and country of origin. All transactions on American Express cards are subject to an additional charge.



Our rooms: The pictures of our rooms and facilities on our website are for illustrative purposes only. Each part of Tisvildeleje Strandhotell is slightly different, and your room or the facilities you use during your stay may vary slightly from the shown images. Your reservation is for a specific type of room, and while we will try to accommodate specific room requests, we cannot guarantee that you will stay in a specific room during your stay.

Food and drink: Tisvildeleje Strandhotel offers on-site food and beverage options. Please refrain from bringing outside food or drinks unless medically necessary.

Noise: All guests are encouraged to respect our other guests and nearby residents when in their room, in the hallways, in other areas of the hotel, or in the surrounding area.

No smoking: Smoking is not allowed indoors at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel at any time, either in your room or elsewhere. Tisvildeleje Strandhotel has designated smoking areas, and our staff will be happy to guide you to their location upon request. We reserve the right to charge the card you used to secure your reservation a reasonable fee for specialist cleaning if we suspect that smoking has taken place in your room(s) during your stay. We also reserve the right to terminate the rest of your stay if we find that you have not complied with our smoking policy.

Animals and pets: No animals or pets are allowed at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel.

Accidents: Guests must immediately report any accident or injury they or their guests may have while on the premises to a management staff member and in any case within 24 hours of the incident. This information is necessary to comply with health and safety obligations as well as for insurance purposes.

Inappropriate behaviour: We kindly ask you to respect our other guests and refrain from any inappropriate, violent, or abusive behaviour and any illegal conduct at all times during your stay. We reserve the right to evict you from the premises and cancel the rest of your stay if you do not comply with this policy.

Damage: We kindly ask all guests to respect Tisvildeleje Strandhotel’s rooms and facilities. If damage occurs to the room(s) during your stay, or if items are missing from your room(s) upon your departure, we reserve the right to charge the card you used to secure your reservation a reasonable fee for such damage and/or missing items.

Parking: No parking is available at the hotel.

Press: Tisvildeleje Strandhotel has a strict policy of not disclosing information to the press. Guests will be held accountable if they disclose or identify any guests who are at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel in the press or on social media, including Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, and other similar sites. Similarly, all guests are requested not to disclose or identify any other guest staying at Tisvildeleje Strandhotel in any press or social media publication or post.

DAMAGE & LOSS We provide a safe in each room for the storage of personal belongings, and all reasonable efforts are made to create a secure hotel environment. However, the risk of theft, damage, or loss of our guests’ personal belongings cannot be completely eliminated, and we strongly recommend that you do not bring valuables such as jewelry or large amounts of cash to Tisvildeleje Strandhotel. Management reserves the right to refuse the storage of guests’ personal property.

We will not be liable to any guest for loss, damage, or injury to our guests’ personal belongings. However, this does not exclude or limit our liability in any way where it would be unlawful to do so, including liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence (or the negligence of our employees, agents, or subcontractors) and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.


We will use the personal information you provide us in accordance with our privacy policy.


Force Majeure: Tisvildeleje Strandhotel will not be liable and will not pay compensation if we are prevented or delayed from fulfilling our obligations due to an event beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to flooding, earthquake, mechanical failure, IT failure, fire, adverse weather conditions, acts of terrorism, gas, water, or other utility failures.

Transfer of this Agreement: We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organization. We will always inform you in writing if this happens, and we will ensure that the transfer does not affect your rights under the contract.

If a Court Finds Part of this Contract Illegal, the Rest Will Remain in Force: Each of the sections in these terms operates separately. If a court or relevant authority decides that any of them are illegal, the remaining sections will remain fully valid and effective.

Even if We Delay Enforcing This Contract, We Can Still Enforce it Later: If we do not immediately insist that you do something you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you regarding the breach of this contract, it does not mean that you do not have to do these things, and it does not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you do not make a payment and we do not follow up with you but continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment later.

Law: These terms are governed by Danish law, and you can bring legal proceedings in relation to these terms or your stay at HTisvildeleje Strandhotel in Danish courts. If you live in another European country, consumer law and regulations may allow you to bring legal proceedings in the European country where you live.

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Alternative dispute resolution is a process where an independent body reviews the facts of a dispute and attempts to resolve it without you having to go to court. If you are not satisfied with how we have handled a complaint, you can contact the alternative dispute resolution provider we use. You can file a complaint with the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform regarding terms and complaints related to online contracts. The platform is available at

Copyright: The material displayed on our website is protected by copyright. Use of this website is subject to these terms and conditions, and you agree that you cannot download, copy, modify, or redistribute any of the content on this website without our prior written permission. Our website is for personal use only.

Updated August 1, 2024.